董事長(cháng)致辭 ??President's Speech
大道至簡(jiǎn),貴在知行合一。歷經(jīng)十余載砥礪奮進(jìn),冠達已成為四川省內頗負盛名的全過(guò)程工程咨詢(xún)服務(wù)商。公司自成立伊始就以追求完美服務(wù)為目標,致力于與客戶(hù)一起共同創(chuàng )造時(shí)代建筑的精品。我們將繼續踐行誠信擔當、客觀(guān)公正的行為準則,腳踏實(shí)地,志在高遠,為提供更優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務(wù)、完成更高水準的工程做出不懈的努力。
在此,我謹代表冠達工程顧問(wèn)集團,向一直以來(lái)支持和幫助公司發(fā)展的各級領(lǐng)導、各界朋友表示衷心感謝,熱誠歡迎各界朋友與我們精誠合作,互利共贏(yíng),共創(chuàng )美好明天。
The truth is simple, but the ?crucial issue is to give a full display of your ?knowledge ?in your practice. After a ?decade-long constant development, Guanda has become one of the most prestigious whole-process engineering consulting ?service providers in ?Sichuan Province. Ever since ?its foundation, our company ?strives to create ?the finest buildings for our clients. Today we will continue to follow the principle of honesty, responsibility, objectivity and impartiality, work down-to-earth yet with great ambitions so as to provide services of better quality and complete projects with higher levels.
Here ?on behalf of Sichuan Guanda Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., I ?would like to express my earnest gratitude to ?leaders of ?all levels and friends from all walks of life who have been supporting and helping the development of our company. We sincerely welcome friends form all circles to cooperate with us for mutual benefit. Together, we are going to create a better future.