淮州新城國際會(huì )展中心
本項目總建筑面積50000平方米,位于成渝經(jīng)濟圈內,是“一帶一路”的交匯點(diǎn)和支撐點(diǎn)之一。緊鄰成都中心城區,北聯(lián)國際鐵路港,南接成都新天府國際機場(chǎng),是成都東進(jìn)主戰場(chǎng)的地標性建筑,也是規劃建設中的成都第4個(gè)國家級開(kāi)發(fā)區--淮州新城的展示窗口。項目建成后將會(huì )成為成都國際航空文化節永久舉辦地的重要組成部分。
International Convention and Exhibition Center of Huaizhou City
The project, with a total construction area of 50,000 square meters, is located in Chengdu-Chongqing Eco-nomic Circle and is one of the intersections and supporting points of the “Belt and Road" , lt is adjacent to thecentral area of Chengdu, the international railway port in the north, and the Chengdu new Tianfu intemationalairport in the south. lt is a landmark building of Chenadu’s eastward march, and is also the demonstraionwindow of the fourthi national development zone in Chengdu - Huaizhou New City. After completion, the projectwill become an important part of the permanent venue of Chengdu interational Aviation Cuture Festival.